our story

The idea of Refuge of Hope Church was conceived by Bishop Daniel Kamau by year 2000. He shared his vision with several brethren who felt that time was ripe to start a church to face the challenges of 21st Century.

Refuge of Hope is an independent Pentecostal Church charged by God’s love and in obedience to the
Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:16-20. It’s not only a Ministry, but a non-
profit making organization with an intent of ministering to the whole person – the Body, Soul and
the Spirit – meeting the day-to-ay needs of our Neighbors


Refuge of Hope Church, is committed to reaching all people groups in Kenya and the rest of the
world with the message of Love and Saving Grace of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in
obedience to the Great Commission.


To preach the full Gospel by coordinating the spiritual as well as the physical needs; a reflection of
the true Gospel taught by our Lord Jesus Christ.

Refuge of Hope Church has established a number of Churches in Nairobi, Eastern, Central and Rift
Valley Regions. We are in the process of establishing more Churches and initiating projects.


In the year 2009, the Church started Bible School classes in conjunction with Destiny Bible School. The first class graduated in 2011. They were awarded Diploma. Since then, many other branches of Refuge of Hope Church have come up in Oloitoktok, Kitui, Kikuyu, Kibuu, Kabati (Kandara), Ng’araria among others.