A few words about

What We Do

We often have feeding programs, providing porridge for Sunday school children. feeding the hungry, and needy families in various places like Kajiando, Matuu, Kivunga Muranga etc. By providing clean water by drilling bore holes, eg Matuu kwa Wanziru, Tinga on your to Magandi soda . Small scale business empowerment. Education: In the year 2009 the Church desired to have bible school and the Carys Baptist church was instrumental through the late Presiding Bishop/pastor Watson to establish Refuge of hope bible institute in conjunction with Destiny bible college. although due to some challenges the the training come to an end.

Our projects

Our church is involved in various projects that are designed to improve our communities


Refuge of Hope Church has embarked on evangelism and sound teaching of the Christian Faith. We intend to continue with evangelism and establishment of more Fellowships and Churches.


For the Church to be effective in its outreach, solid training in evangelism, discipleship and
leadership is essential. By establishing Bible Schools, the Church will be in a position to train Pastors,
Teachers and lay Christian Leaders.


As a result of pandemics and dysfunctional family set-up in our Country, and the African Continent at large. Many children are being rendered orphans and homeless. We felt compelled to provide a place where the children can learn God’s Love giving them an opportunity to reconstruct their lives.
At the same time, we wish to establish Special Boarding Schools for the mentally challenged and the handicapped, where, they can learn vocational skills.


It’s the interest of Refuge of Hope Church, to supplement the Government initiative of alleviating poverty. By setting up Vocational Training Centres, the youth who have dropped out of school, will have an opportunity to realize their full potential and at the same time become self-sustaining.

Drug abuse and alcohol addiction remains a major challenge to many men and youths in Kenya today. Through the Rehabilitation Centers, those who have fallen into the trap of addiction willreceive counselling and an opportunity to reconstruct their lives.